Wednesday, November 10, 2010

man boobs

Nice lady Berenice from a place called Animal Farm Foundation and Nice Lady Diane from the BADRAP place had to look me over before I could go to Cal-i-for-nia.

They laughed a lot when they e-val-u-ated me and said that I had "man boobs." Man boobs? ... Is that good? It must be, because it made them smile at me a lot.

I'm glad they decided to like me. Now I have to make sure and learn what all these new words mean. Here is a fancy movie of us at the o-hi-o place, before my big journey.

Note: The skin on Chunk's belly has been irritated from years of neglect .. Hence the swollen nipples. We're working on getting him better so we don't have to buy him a little Bro-Bra. :-)


  1. He is so cute! He is like a little tank. Poor baby. He is so adorable!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He is the cutest little thing, man-boobs and all!!

  4. Aww, he's got such a cute little wag! :) Bless his heart!
